Dan Caruso


Colorado’s Investor Landscape

This deck, developed by Caruso Ventures and Endeavor Colorado, focuses on the Investment Landscape and Capital Formation scene in Colorado. It anchors in 2007, when Foundry and Techstars were born. The steady growth of startups that had (or are on

Colorado is the nation’s leading state for the aerospace and defense industry. The following deck put together by Caruso Ventures and Endeavor Colorado outlines the monumental growth trend of aerospace both in Colorado and globally. The presentation highlights and maps

Endeavor Overview

Endeavor is the global community of, by and for high-growth scaling entrepreneurs. Endeavor Colorado is a part of Endeavor – supporting more than 2,500 high-impact entrepreneurs in 45 markets around the world. We believe that entrepreneurs transform economies, building thriving

Owner’s Manual

The Business Principles that Guide the Decision-Making of the Zayo Management Team Published January 2014 by Dan Caruso, Chairman and CEO of Zayo Group Introduction: In 1983, Warren Buffett drafted a set of business principles; in 1996, he published them

Equity Value Created

“My Most Important Innovation,” Dan Caruso Introduction: Management’s primary responsibility is to create Equity Value [DC1] at a pace that exceeds their investor’s return threshold for an investment of a similar risk characteristic. Despite universal agreement, private companies have no

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