Dan Caruso

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In this episode of The Bear Roars, Dan welcomes Carrie Charles, the dynamic CEO of Broadstaff, a company specializing in workforce solutions for the digital infrastructure industry. Together, they co-host a lively discussion, exploring their entrepreneurial journeys and the pivotal moments that shaped their careers.

Carrie shares her inspiring story of transitioning from Marine to CEO, offering a glimpse into her experiences as a woman in the traditionally male-dominated field of digital infrastructure. She sheds light on how she’s working to make the industry more inclusive and welcoming for women.

Dan discusses his new book, Bandwidth, and the personal and professional milestones that led to the creation of his company Zayo, a fiber network powerhouse. The two reminisce about their first meeting at MetroConnect and reflect on the early days of the telecom industry, offering unique insights into its evolution and what the future might hold.

Click here to learn more about Broadstaff: https://broadstaffglobal.com/about-us/

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